Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time Flies!

Boy, it's been quite some time since I last posted on here. I was thinking that it would be a good tool to use to help others who choose to LIVE with Fibromyalgia instead of giving in to it. I guess I've had an extended fibro fog when it comes to keeping up with this blog.

I would like to use it to share some of my experiences with others - good and bad - and what I find that works for me. I strive to live my life without depending on medications to get me through the day, so I've made some changes to my life to make changes to how my body feels. Please feel free to share your experiences, comments, questions, etc. on any of my posts so we can all LIVE life despite Fibromyalgia!

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Thank you for your comment to my blog. I appreciate and encourage feedback and insight into how others are LIVING their lives despite their fibromyalgia symptoms. Please share my blog and feel free to share my posts so we can make the world more aware of this invisible syndrome!

Have a pain free, wide awake, full of energy sort of day!! :)